
Netflix Outlines Password Sharing Rules and Guidelines

Netflix Outlines Password Sharing Rules and Guidelines

The password sharing party is over.

Netflix has disclosed specific rules and regulations it has put into place limiting how and where subscribers and non-subscribers can access content outside of their homes.

Effective immediately, only members of a single household can share a subscription account password within the home. Sharing a password with a family member living elsewhere is no longer allowed.

Subscribers will have to “localize” their account location to one internet service network affording only those connected televisions or devices to that network access to Netflix. Any user profile associated with a household subscription must access Netflix at least once a month to remain active.

Accessing Netflix content outside the home for subscribers will require permission from the main account holder and an accompanying code from Netflix.

The subscription streaming video pioneer is taking the steps as new subscriber growth slows and company estimates suggest upwards of 100 million users globally are accessing Netflix without paying for it.

Netflix has tested offering discounted shared password accounts in South America, with plans to expand the program globally. The service has also launched a less-expensive ad-supported subscription option.

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